
Valentine’s Day Crafts

Valentine’s Day is coming up and. No doubt you’ll be looking for fun crafts to do with your kiddos! 

I’ve gathered some fun multi age crafts for you to try out with your little loves! These are actually tried and true unlike those random Pinterest posts that just post a link to the craft from another blog or posts crafts you’re positive the adult did the entirety of! 

Here’s a tip to make this low stress—have fun. Let your kid do the art. Don’t try to direct it in the direction you want it to go. Let them make decisions, messes, and mistakes. Let them learn. 

Our first craft is a cute little Love Bug. This year we bought a white tree and some colour changing LED lights, so now we have a Valentines Day tree (and whatever other holiday we want a tree for). We used these love bugs to decorate the tree. 

It’s actually pretty simple. 

You can use white glue, admittedly we did use hot glue. My girl is 4 so all I did was add a small dot of glue and explained to her she needed to keep her fingers away from the hot glue because it would burn her. She did great. If you have younger kids, I wouldn’t use hot glue. 

The materials to make these Love Bugs, I got from Michael’s a few years ago, but here’s some Amazon links to get you started because I couldn’t find them at Michaels again

Foam hearts



Take a Pom and glue it to the point of a heart. Take the second heart and glue it to the top of the Pom. Stick on as many googly eyes as you’d like your Love Bug to have and you can further decorate it with stickers, glitter, etc if you’d like!

Next up is great for small motor for younger kids and messy fun for older kids. 

Cut out a big heart from construction paper. Squeeze out some white glue all over it and let your kiddo place pieces of cut paper or tissue paper all over the glue!

This next one is great for babies. This is a no mess art activity for the littles! 

Cut out a small heart (or big if you have a gallon bag available), put some paint on the heart, then slide it into the bag and seal. Give it to your babe and let them go slap happy hitting the bag. Watch them though, they’ll try to put the bag in their mouth!! We also tried this with glitter glue, but it didn’t turn out too great! 

This is one of my favourite crafts to do with kids. They LOVE the sound it makes and love watching a mess with made. 

All you need is a small box or box lid with high sides. Normally you’d use marbles to do this, but no joke intended, I’ve lost my marbles.  

Cut out a heart, put it in the box or lid and add paint to the heart. I let my girl choose what colour paints she’d like her heart to be. Add in your marbles, or if you’re like me, screws and let them shake the lid side to side. The marbles or screws will slide all over the paint and will paint the heart. 

Please note—my girl is older and was supervised the entire time. Please do not do this craft and leave your kiddos unsupervised.

The next craft works on small motor skills, hand strength and allows them to be creative.

I traced half of a heart on folded paper and told her to follow the line and cut it out.

Resist the urge to do it for them! Sometimes parents get impatient or over helpful and end up doing tasks that our kids can do for themselves. 

I showed her how to write “Happy Valentine’s Day,” and gave her some valentines stickers to decorate her heart with and it looks beautiful! This is a great way for kids to make homemade valentines cards!

Next up is beading! My kids LOVE beading! She made a heart ornament for our Vday tree! She chose the pipe cleaner and the beads! She strung them on herself and I attempted to turn it into a heart.

The only directions I gave was to leave space on both sides so I could make it a heart and that some of the beads with small holes might not fit. She did the rest and I think she did such a great job! This works on small motor skills, problem solving, and creativity. If your kiddo is younger or known to put things in their mouth, please watch them! 

This set of beads would be a good start for this craft!
However, dollar tree also has some beads in small packs—it might not be cost effective per ounce or what have you.

And if you need pipe cleaners, here you go!

The next craft we did was inspired by Cassie Stephens who is an art teacher and posts instagram videos! We saw this print making craft and had to try it! 

You simply paint half of a heart on one side of the paper and fold it over pressing it down. 

You end up with a complete heart! Then you continue painting inside and outside the heart making sure to fold and press between each colour! 

Another one of kiddos favourite things to do is make necklaces or bracelets! This is another fun small motor skill building activity! It also lets them show off their creativity and fashion sense. She and I both love to wear her jewellery creations!

I tie an end and let her string the beads. She’s four now and can do it without any help. When she was younger I let her choose the beads and I would string them. So that might be an option for you! 

(“Zeda” means nothing, its just the beads she chose to use!)

Finally I’ve created some fun printables for you! Two crafty pages and two math pages for  varying ages. 

The two crafty pages you can either cut out and use as a stencil on construction paper and let kiddo glue them together or you can do what we did. It just seemed easier this way!

I let her colour them and then I cut them out and Papa helped her glue them however she wanted. 

The two math sheets are just counting and choosing the right number. 

One is for kiddos who can count to 10, the other is 11-15.

For ease of downloading these are available in a PDF in my shop here on sale for only a dollar!

I hope you enjoy these fun and pretty easy vday crafts! Let me know if you do any of them! Tag me on social media! Facebook and Instagram @OakbornAcademy

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