Apothecary Services

Apothecary services can range from a consult to just a request for a custom product. If you have a request for a product (that isn’t of medicinal use) please email me at oakbornco@gmail.com

An idea of what a product request would be is you see a tea blend you like, but it has an herb in it that you’re allergic to. Please email me and I can remove it or swap it with another herb if applicable.
Another idea would be that you love Oakborn’s salves but you really need one for x and it’s something I don’t offer. Send me an email and I can see if it’s something I can brew up for you

If you want a product for medicinal use then I must do a consult with you.

-Medicinal Consult-

Medicinal consults are free. This is where I gather all necessary information from you. This can include, but is not limited to, the condition you’re looking to treat, your medical history, your current medicine list, etc. During this consult I determine if what you’re looking to treat is something I can help with and if it’s something I feel comfortable treating. As an herbalist I do reserve the right to deny any client I don’t feel comfortable treating.
After the consult, if we have agreed to move forward I will send you my contract which must be read through thoroughly, completed and signed, as well as payment received before any plan can be issued. After the contract is signed I will send you my assessment.

-Assessment- $75

The assessment is what you will receive after your consult, if both parties have agreed to move forward. The assessment will include a plan of action as well as recommended products to use for the condition. This will be in the form of a treatment plan.