One of my most hated parts of being an adult is deciding what to make for dinner every. single. night.
It’s a drag!
For the last two weeks I’ve implemented the same meal for the same day, does that make sense?
Every Sunday we do spaghetti. And every Sunday it’s a relief knowing I don’t have to figure out what’s for dinner. It’s already been decided.
I’m also trying to get better at uploading recipes since I’m always tagged by friends to share vegan or dairy free recipes, which I’m super grateful for!
So here’s to a middle of the year resolution—posting more recipes.
I will surely stick to this one!
Yes, everyone knows about spaghetti. But if you’re like me, you can’t remember a single meal when it comes time to make dinner or meal plan.
Plus being vegan or dairy free it might complicate things for you a bit. And even more complication comes in if you have children who don’t want to eat anything you make. I like to add ingredients to my spaghetti that you might not normally add.
You might call it hiding food within food, I call it getting my kids to eat!
Spaghetti is simple. Italians this is your last chance to look away!
-Store bought spaghetti sauce (I like roasted garlic. Unfortunately I’m not a vampire so give me all the garlic). **if you’re vegan or dairy free make sure you check the ingredients! A lot of sauces have milk or cheese in them.
-Impossible ground— this is optional. It gives it the traditional bolognaise taste/texture. You’re welcome to leave it out or to add a TVP, tofu, bean etc.
-olive oil
-nooch-optional, but recommended
-hempseeds-optional, but recommended
Do what you normally do.
Boil water for the noodles. Add the noodles when it’s boiling.
Chop your onions, dice your garlic, sauté them in olive oil.

Wash and peel a couple carrots then use a box grater to grate them into tiny slivers. Dump the carrots into the pan to cook and soften a little. This doesn’t take long.

(The carrots are chopped here because I couldn’t find my box grater)
If you’re using Impossible, plop it in now and Cook until brown. I like to use my spoon to break it up as much as possible. It likes to stay in clumps. So if you like more of a meatball then maybe keep the chunks.

Once everything is sautéd and the Impossible cooked, add your sauce.
You can add a sprinkling of turmeric to your sauté or to the sauce, doesn’t matter.

I add just a little turmeric because from a health standpoint it’s an incredible seasoning. And the amount I use you can’t taste it at all.
Drain your noodles. Plate with sauce. Add nooch and hempseeds on top and enjoy!

Boom easy done.
You might be asking yourself, “Kaylan, did you take your pan off the stove to take a picture?”
Yes, I did. My stove was/is a hot mess, no pun intended.
Let me know if you try it!
Do you add any extra ingredients to your spaghetti??