Sacred Journey

Birth Plan: -Natural-At home-No unnecessary medical interventions-Delayed cord clamping-No pain meds-Allowed to move-Use of water to aid in pain -No drops or shots-No circumcision if boy-No bath-Immediate skin to skin-Immediate latching and/BF help-No induction So excited about my labour and birth! I felt so empowered, I was so ready to have my birth at home and… Read More Sacred Journey


Hello & Welcome

Welcome to Oakborn & Co! Oakborn & Co. is a company with quite a few different specializations. Part of the company focuses on pregnancy, labour, birth, and postpartum. Whilst the other half of the company focuses on herbal and aromatherapy. I call this half of the company the Apothecary. Whilst I have a lot of… Read More Hello & Welcome