
Vegan Ricotta Cheese

This is a stretch, mainly because I’ve never had omni ricotta cheese in my life! I recently made lasagna soup and it called for ricotta cheese. Growing up we weren’t that fancy and we just used cottage cheese when we made lasagna, so I never had it. Making this, I’m just going off of my… Read More Vegan Ricotta Cheese


Creamy Cheese

“I could never be vegan. I like cheese too much.” -Every omnivore ever. Same though.Cheese is my weakness. I could eat cheese every day of my life and be the happiest person in the world! I’ve tried some non dairy cheeses and some are just plain disgusting! I’m a picky eater, so I’m difficult to… Read More Creamy Cheese


Parmesan Cheese

Cheese is the number one thing people tell us they can’t leave behind when it comes to being vegan. “I could never be vegan. I like cheese too much.”“I’m vegan but still eat cheese.”“Vegan cheese tastes awful.” You know what’s actually gross?Dairy. Do you know how many health harming things are in dairy? TONS -Pus… Read More Parmesan Cheese