If you got the Lughnasadh packet then you saw this cute sun catcher!
(If you still need to grab the packet just go here!)
Here’s a more in depth look at how to make them! They’re super easy—depending on your kiddos willingness!
All you need is:
-Construction paper (yellow and or orange)
-Tissue paper (yellow, orange, and red)
-Contact paper (all I had was my transfer film for my cameo)
I started by attempting to cut out a calf circle from a hamburger folded piece of paper. That did not work! So I ended up just free handing a full circle from our orange paper.
Then I cut the center of that paper out!
No pics from this because my youngest was ripping paper and I was just trying to get it done with minimal paper waste!
If you’re able to I’d recommend letting your kiddos cut the sun rays (if they’re old enough). They’re just straight lines! For even more fun you could cut the rays out with “crazy scissors.”
From there I use the glue stick to put a small amount of glue around the paper ring and then let the kids put their sun rays wherever they wanted.

I cut out a piece of contact paper larger than the ring, peeled it from its backing and put the sun on it (sticky side up).
Next you can let the kiddos put pieces of cut up, or ripped up, tissue paper on the sticky side of the contact paper. Make sure to just do one layer of tissue paper.

I cut the excess of the contact paper once my kiddo was finished.
If you want to go the extra mile, you could use glitter glue to decorate the sun rays and sun ring.
All done!

This is a super easy and generally quick craft!
My youngest was not having it and ripped his sun to shreds. No worries, he got to hang out with papa whilst sister and I finished her sun then we all did some snuggles afterwards!

Let us know if you do this suncatcher craft too!
Tag us on IG at @OakbornAcademy