
Zombie Ooze— A Halloween Delicacy

If you search “Halloween snacks” on Pinterest you’ll have a screen full of brightly coloured snacks.
Whilst they’re beautiful and bright, it’s 2024 we all know the harms of artificial colouring!

Every recipe you find here will be dye free! We’re also a family of vegans and kiddos with food allergies.
Imagine trying to find fun Pinterest worthy recipes with those stipulations as well!
It’s an Olympic sport!

Zombie Ooze sounds gross, but is actually tasty and you can customize it to fit your tastes as well!

It’s a super simple recipe and my kids loved it. They kept asking for more even the next day.

My daughter is wary of foods that are coloured, she thinks they’re going to taste weird so I was surprised she liked it so much!

All you need is orange juice, water and natural food colouring. I use Watkins.

in a gallon bag mix orange juice, water and a few drops of blue food colouring. I didn’t measure any of the liquids, but we always mix water with juice for the kids, but I’m sure you could do it without the water.

The blue food colouring colours the orange juice a weird green colour which is perfect for Zombie Ooze!

Mix them in bag and then toss it in the freezer for 4-6 hours for it to get slushy like. I took mine out and bashed it with a ladle to break it up before serving.

Give it a try and see how your kids like it!

I also want to add: no, children aren’t “missing out on childhood” just because you don’t give them dyed foods. And no, they won’t even notice That it’s not obnoxiously green—if you don’t make a big deal out of it. Be excited about this just as you would if it were bright neon green!

Let me know if you try it!

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Instagram at OakbornAcademy or AlwaysKaylan and Facebook at the same names!

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