
Autumn Playlist

“Autumn shows us how beautiful change can be.”

(If you just want the playlist without reading my nonsense ideas and thoughts, then scroll down to the bottom!)

I do love Autumn.
I don’t like being cold, but I love autumn.

I love every season, and I think if people got out of their heads and changed their view of things to a grateful view, they would say the same thing.

Sure, it takes me a moment to “warm up” to new seasons and to get my own view of gratefulness in focus, but I think if life has taught me anything it’s that there is a season for everything. There is a reason for the change. It won’t last forever and beauty and wonder and loveliness can be found in all seasons (take that how you want, actual seasons, or metaphorical seasons of life).

Autumn used to be my hands down favourite season, but as I’ve grown, my favourite season has turned to spring. I love the new beginnings, the new life, the sun, the warmth. I love it all…Why am I talking about spring? Because the same things can be said for autumn.

Again, as I’ve aged, had children, and understood life a bit more, I can understand my religious beliefs a bit more and I’ve come to appreciate those teachings on a deeper level other than just face value. Yes seasons change, whoopdedoo… But there’s more to it. There’s life. So much life, so many new opportunities, so many wonderful and beautiful changes if we know how to look for them.

Where I look for new life in the blossoming flowers and the buds on the trees in spring I can look for the same in autumn. Beautiful yellow Goldenrod flowers, stunning Azure Aster blossoms, the red berries of Yaupon Holly trees, the green buds of the Camellia tree that blossoms big pink flowers…new life is everywhere and these are things that you can really only see in autumn.
And there’s nothing better than a chill in the air and feeling the heat of the sun hit your face warming you up like a big giant hug.
New beginnings, we go from the constant flow of movement that is synonymous with summer to, hopefully, allowing ourselves to slow down just a bit and rest. The trees shed what does not serve them and reminds us to do the same. To get rid of the dead ends that don’t give us life anymore, rest in the darkness of winter to prepare for spring. That is a new beginning–choosing to cut ties. It’s the first step to a better life.
We look forward to closeness, to sitting with our family around good food, around a decked out tree, snuggled in blankets with hot chocolate and a good movie on. Autumn and winter are the only times in the year we can do this.

So yes, whilst I will say spring is my favourite season over all, autumn and the rest of the seasons are beautiful and when we look at them with eyes filled with gratitude and wonder we will see their beauty. And if you can’t see it, look deeper within yourself of why you can’t see the beauty in life…Because it’s there. Work on gratitude.

I love making playlists, especially playlists for emotions, or feelings…or crazy enough colours. That’s something I didn’t know everyone didn’t do. See or feel colours when they listen to songs.

The songs on my autumn playlist aren’t many because I tried to specifically keep it to one very specific feeling–red and orange leaves, central park, chilly air, wool jackets, cloudy skies, perhaps a raindrop or two, cashmere scarves, class, opulence…
I hope you feel it.

(I really would love to make an autumn playlist that encompasses mountain feelings, maybe I will. Let me know if you’d like to see that or have song suggestions for it).

I’ve included a link to my Pandora playlist, but if you don’t have Pandora, I’ll also leave a YouTube playlist as well. I don’t want to give too many of my own impressions or why I chose a song, I just want you to listen to it and feel, hopefully what I felt.

Enjoy! Let me know how you liked it!

Youtube Autumn Playlist

Pandora Autumn Playlist

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